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Intergenerational Connection with BCR Communities

Writer's picture: BCR CommunitiesBCR Communities

The reaction is instant - as soon as the sound of excited little voices float through the window, everyone in the room is wearing the same smile.

It’s Friday at the Sanctuary Point Youth & Community Centre, and for the last two months a group of three and four-year-olds from The Basin Pre-School next door have been walking over to be with some special older friends.

For many of the seniors participating in the BCR Communities intergenerational sessions it has been decades since they have experienced the pure joy that comes from spending time with pre-schoolers.

Four-year-olds are masters of living in the moment, and the seniors are finding any aches, pains or worries are forgotten as they absorb themselves in colouring-in, playing games, blowing bubbles, singing nursery rhymes and having some very cute conversations.

71-year-old Ellen Deutschbein said the sessions were something she looks forward to every week.

“The kids were a little shy in the beginning but now they are coming out of their shells and they are just beautiful - I have always loved being around kids” Ellen said.

“I’ve only been coming to the BCR Communities social groups for a few months and I’m so glad I joined.”

“It’s scary joining when you don’t know anyone but now I just love it. It’s great being with the kids but I also really enjoy talking with other people my age who are experiencing similar things.”

The kids are also benefiting from the intergenerational sessions, receiving the kind of one to one attention that is usually the reserve of grandparents. They have a group of grown-ups who take delight in their company, are keen to listen to their stories and ideas, and who cheer them on as they try new activities.

If you would like to find out more about the BCR Communities Social Groups phone 1300 222 748 or email at

Two senior women sitting with three small children
Seniors having fun with four-year-olds

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