The Regional Provider Blueprint for Developing a Values-Based Culture and Values-Driven Care Plans through Engagement, Empowerment and Technology
BCR Communities, along with our partners ExSitu, University of Wollongong (UOW) and CarersNSW, secured an ARIIA grant to generate a regional provider blueprint for developing a values-based culture and values-driven care plans through engagement, empowerment and technology. .
The Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) grant was created to support the aged care sector by providing funding that can be used to build increased workforce capability and capacity. They are especially focussed on funding projects that address areas like dementia care, mental health and wellbeing, and social isolation.
BCR Communities uses values-based care plans which put the client firmly at the centre of their own decision-making and wellbeing. Using technology developed by ExSitu, our clients are provided with a simple tool that can be used to create their individualised hierarchy of values.
Clients use online card sorting to identify their most important values and goals, with the information transferable into documents like support plans and Advance Care Directives.

Blueprint Summary
BCR Communities was awarded a grant through the Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) program to deliver a Regional Provider Blueprint based on our values-based care program. The aim of the Blueprint is to share the learnings from our ARIIA project, so that as a sector, we can lead the change towards a values-based model of care.
The aim of the ARIIA project was to test our assumptions that, with positive values-driven culture, and a commitment to empowerment and simple, efficient technologies, we could operationalise care processes to support human rights so those we care for can make their own decisions in alignment with their individual values.
The results we were hoping to achieve through the research findings, and implementation of new processes and technology, was to increase meaningful social connection and reduce social isolation through the development and delivery of services which were aligned to an understanding of each person’s values and wishes.
The key challenge explored was the balance we needed to strike as an aged care provider to:
Support a person’s right to dignity of risk in the context of their right to self determination
Uphold our responsibilities in relation to duty of care.
Create a clear transparent process to navigate the potential conflict between dignity of risk and duty of care and align that to each person’s individual values.
Methods used in this research project included the review of previously developed BCR in-home care client personas, client surveys, focus groups, regular project review meetings, and individual and group consultation sessions with key stakeholders including BCR Executive and Care Managers, Care Staff, BCR Clients and research partner representative from Carers NSW, University of Wollongong, Autonomy First Lawyers and technology partner ExSitu.
Using a participatory research, research-to-action approach (Cornwall, 1995) the project team progressively consulted and communicated with key BCR stakeholders on challenges, opportunities, findings, and actions through regular meetings, and also communicated the outcomes of internal changes and key findings through client and staff newsletters.
As a result of this project, our key findings include that:
•social connections can be improved within communities through simplified and efficient engagement, training and referral processes
values-based technologies can be used effectively to address our three key challenges
working collaboratively with values-driven organisations creates opportunities to positively impact older people by focussing on supported decision-making practices.
This project identifies opportunities to further this research and create sector wide change by professionalising key roles and improving supported decision-making practice. By progressing this research, we aim to improve models of care and the experience of older people by expanding providers understanding and delivery of rights-based decision making practice.